Hi all - - -
I don’t have the time/energy/etc. this week to pull off a new track and some writing however I did want to blast out one final earnest invitation to the thing that is my work this week -
24-HOUR DRONE happens this Saturday in Hudson, New York at a place called Basilica Hudson. I work there and after being a longtime fan of this festival I am now amazingly one of the people working to organize it and pull it off - -
It’s a deep, challenging, special music event that is quite unlike anything else - hundreds of people sprawled out on concrete slumbering as the music unfurls.
You should totally come if you can.
Here is the (very thorough) website with all the info you need:
http://basilicahudson.org/events/24-hour-drone-24/Here’s the ticket link:
https://link.dice.fm/z3b1a95c17c9And with the promo code DRONEARTIST you can get $25 off of each ticket you buy
I hope that I will return to you with a new track and some writing next week ~ ~
And if you do decide to come this weekend please drop me a line or say hello, I will be the guy with a walkie talkie