Hello -
I'm writing this to you at NIGHT in the DARK in my LIVING ROOM, instead of in the morning at my breakfast table. Its because I just saw one of the best shows I have ever seen in my many years of seeing shows like at least once a week, doesn't even matter who (it was Daniel Romano, appearing as Daniel Romano's Outfit). It was LOUD rock and roll stuff, like footage of the early Who or what I always imagine the band Quasi might sound like live circa 2010, but then they also had these utterly devastating country harmonies and they NEVER STOPPED they just kept playing, played the songs right back to back (very like the Who, but somehow way cooler, also?). Ended with a Ramones cover. I wrote one of those rental electric scooters as it started raining harder and harder and the rain was freezing, slapping against my face, stinging it, as I bore down faster and faster downhill, pushing the little wimpy engine as fast as it would go. I got home in eight minutes, I'm shivering, I feel like ripping apart all the furniture in my house with one arm tied behind my back. I'm very, very amped. I took a melatonin chewable and I poured a big sleepy time tea and hopefully this takes the spirit of the rhythm right outta me.